
In class, we’ve been working on the topic of memoirs. We’ve made the goal to create a scrapbook type of project. I’m personally looking forward to this assignment since no two products of our classmates will be the same by any means. Each project will be unique and personal to each student. The topic of memoirs intimidated me at first, but the more journals and poems we do, the more excited I become. A memoir by definition is “a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.” To put it in simpler terms, its the story of one’s life. Without further a due, here are two of my pieces that we’ve worked on in class.

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Bucket List

Before I die, I have many things that I’d like to do. I would really like to go to college and become a nurse or a pediatric endocrinologist. I would also like to have a more confident and positive mind set. I would like to get married one day and adopt two kids. I would like to get a couple tattoos along the way as well. Although many people have  similar goals, I also have some unique ones that I don’t think others do have. When my grandfather was younger and married to my grandmother, they built a house in a town near by. I would like to purchase that house and raise my kids in it one day. I would also like to take my little cousin, MiMi, on a vacation when she’s old enough to stay out and away from her mother without crying. I hope to take my nephew on a trip one day as well. I hope to be able to take care of my parents when they get too old to take care of the huge house we currently own. I would love to go on a huge road trip with the love of my life and travel across the United States. I hope to go to Costa Rica as well, for my great great grandmother is from there.  I also hope to read the entire bible and strengthen my relations with God.

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Bucket List

My bucket list means a lot to me and I’m sure other people can relate on their own personal level. Though some people think the idea of a bucket list is rather childish or unnecessary, other people find them satisfying or essential. I find satisfaction in setting goals for myself, for I can have something to work towards as time goes on. I hope you take something away from this and find the motivation to set goals for yourself.



Favorite TV Show

As I curl under the thick comforter of my bed, the DUH DUH of Netflix filled my ears. The evening’s rain taps softly in the background, and I adjust myself to a comfortable position. After I find myself at ease, I select my favorite television show; American Horror Story. Although many people find the show disturbing, it doesn’t bother me as much as it does to others. I find myself feeling a wide variety of emotions throughout the first season. The first season was Murder House. I never really felt scared, but more intrigued. The more mysteries that were revealed, the more my heart raced. I craved more. The characters drive me to having many questions as the show progressed. Was Tate really aware of crimes he committed? Did he really love Violet? Was he aware what he did to Violet’s mother? I feel as if he’s such an interesting character and he really drew me in to the show. I always look forward to watching more of this unique show.

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Although many people do not enjoy the show as much as I, I really enjoy the concept and idea of such a dark unique plot. I’m sure almost everyone has a favorite show or movie, so the appreciation I have can be easily related to. If you’re not easily terrified or disgusted, I suggest you look into it.

All in all, these pieces mean a lot to me and I was almost hesitant to post them online. After thinking for a while, I finally decided to upload some personal thoughts and feelings of mine. I hope you enjoy them and take inspiration away from it somehow. Thank you for tuning in!

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Peace Out Girl Scout