Farewell Friends

As some of you know, this site was used for my Creative Writing II class. As much as I liked the class, I wasn’t exactly the best when it came to our blog posts. I’m not exactly the type to post a bunch on social media, so this portfolio of work really was a challenge to me. With the title of this post, I’m sure you understand where this is going.


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Heading Out


Exposing my inner thoughts and ideas to anonymous people was intimidating, but as I wrap up my blog, I realize I’m going to miss working on it. In all honesty, I probably won’t post at all after this. My work is near and dear to my heart and I’d rather keep it that way. Writing is something I do for myself, and I would like to keep that as my personal get away. It may sound cheesy, but that’s how I feel. My thoughts today are no essay for today, but only short and simple.

To end on a positive note, I’ll leave you with poem by Juansen Dizon


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Anyway, thank you for reading my mediocre pieces and tuning in. I hope you all find the inspiration to write that piece you’ve been contemplating on doing. Don’t let writers block stop you, you have talent. Before I leave, I want too say thank you to Mrs. Lincoln. Even though we both know my work is not anything close to a 10/10, she still motivates all of her students to never stop writing. Maybe one day, I’ll return with Mrs. Lincoln’s words in mind and I’ll find pure pride in my work. Who knows. Meanwhile, have a great day and never stop writing.

Yours Truly,


Goodbye Stranger


In class, we’ve been working on the topic of memoirs. We’ve made the goal to create a scrapbook type of project. I’m personally looking forward to this assignment since no two products of our classmates will be the same by any means. Each project will be unique and personal to each student. The topic of memoirs intimidated me at first, but the more journals and poems we do, the more excited I become. A memoir by definition is “a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.” To put it in simpler terms, its the story of one’s life. Without further a due, here are two of my pieces that we’ve worked on in class.

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Bucket List

Before I die, I have many things that I’d like to do. I would really like to go to college and become a nurse or a pediatric endocrinologist. I would also like to have a more confident and positive mind set. I would like to get married one day and adopt two kids. I would like to get a couple tattoos along the way as well. Although many people have  similar goals, I also have some unique ones that I don’t think others do have. When my grandfather was younger and married to my grandmother, they built a house in a town near by. I would like to purchase that house and raise my kids in it one day. I would also like to take my little cousin, MiMi, on a vacation when she’s old enough to stay out and away from her mother without crying. I hope to take my nephew on a trip one day as well. I hope to be able to take care of my parents when they get too old to take care of the huge house we currently own. I would love to go on a huge road trip with the love of my life and travel across the United States. I hope to go to Costa Rica as well, for my great great grandmother is from there.  I also hope to read the entire bible and strengthen my relations with God.

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Bucket List

My bucket list means a lot to me and I’m sure other people can relate on their own personal level. Though some people think the idea of a bucket list is rather childish or unnecessary, other people find them satisfying or essential. I find satisfaction in setting goals for myself, for I can have something to work towards as time goes on. I hope you take something away from this and find the motivation to set goals for yourself.



Favorite TV Show

As I curl under the thick comforter of my bed, the DUH DUH of Netflix filled my ears. The evening’s rain taps softly in the background, and I adjust myself to a comfortable position. After I find myself at ease, I select my favorite television show; American Horror Story. Although many people find the show disturbing, it doesn’t bother me as much as it does to others. I find myself feeling a wide variety of emotions throughout the first season. The first season was Murder House. I never really felt scared, but more intrigued. The more mysteries that were revealed, the more my heart raced. I craved more. The characters drive me to having many questions as the show progressed. Was Tate really aware of crimes he committed? Did he really love Violet? Was he aware what he did to Violet’s mother? I feel as if he’s such an interesting character and he really drew me in to the show. I always look forward to watching more of this unique show.

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Although many people do not enjoy the show as much as I, I really enjoy the concept and idea of such a dark unique plot. I’m sure almost everyone has a favorite show or movie, so the appreciation I have can be easily related to. If you’re not easily terrified or disgusted, I suggest you look into it.

All in all, these pieces mean a lot to me and I was almost hesitant to post them online. After thinking for a while, I finally decided to upload some personal thoughts and feelings of mine. I hope you enjoy them and take inspiration away from it somehow. Thank you for tuning in!

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Peace Out Girl Scout

Blog #7

In class, we’ve been working on the subject of flash fiction. Image result for book aestheticPersonally, I found this difficult and I’ve decided that I do not enjoy working on these. Although it is not my strong suit, I enjoy reading them. As I read my classmates’ work, I find myself rather impressed with a freshman’s work in my class. I mention that she’s a freshman, because the work is something you’d expect from a professor or an older soul. The idea and concept that she came up with is disheartening, yet beautiful. I would like to analyze her work for this assignment, so without further a do, here is Kimmy’s flash fiction…

As I feel the cold words of the lawyer telling us that we were being put into foster care, I tremble.
The hardest day in my life was the day I decided to isolate myself from everyone I was close to. I stopped talking to everyone. I made my brother stop talking to everyone. We sat alone at lunch, we walked together in the halls. Just the two of us. No one to confide in.

I really enjoy and appreciate the way this opener is worded. The way that she described the lawyer’s words gives a lot more interpretation for the environment of the court room. By simply describing the reveal of the jury as a cold presents gives a dark, almost heartbreaking presence. As the narrator reflects on the events that leads up why she is being put into foster home, the feelings of pain remains and intensifies.


“It’s for the best.” I would tell myself and my brother whenever there was a small doubt, which was almost everyday.


The simplicity of the dialogue allows the reader to interpret that the few words spoken were very difficult to admit. Even though the narrator doubts herself, it is given that she only keeps her head up for the sake of her brother.


No one knew. It was just me and my brother. Living on our own. Keeping our big secret. We told no one. Who found out? Who could do this? Sure it has been the hardest three and a half years without a mom and dad, Image result for liar aesthetic photobut we were doing fine. Our attendance was average, we were not failing, we have stayed out of trouble, we have kept a low profile. Maybe people got suspicious.

The question of the narrator allows the reader to interpret or have their own personal ideas on how the children got caught. This emphasizes the over all feeling of betrayal and pain. Since the children did the best that they could to be good students, it adds to the feeling of the undeserving punishment that the kids will endure.

Life before the accident was great. It was me, the girl who everyone knew, and who knew everyone. I was confident and fearless. And, my brother, the football and track star. My boyfriend Max, best friend Maya, and brother James, would always be with me. It was just the four of us, always doing anything to hangout and have a good time.

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Since life seemed and felt perfect to the siblings before the tragic event involving their parents, the empathy and pain we feel for the children is enhanced. Their lives were ideal prior to the death of their parents, but as time goes, it clearly seems to get worse.

Now, my best friend and boyfriend are together. I’m happy for them. Maya and I ended on good terms, meaning we simply drifted apart and that’s Image result for typing text gifthat. Max on the other hand, did not approve of mine and James’ “ghosting”. He was in love with me, and I was in love with him. He told me he was only with Maya to make me jealous. I forced myself and James to block them and stay away from them, but sometimes I see them talking. They didn’t understand why we had to stop being friends with them, but I couldn’t tell them.


Although the narrator claims to be fine with the conditions of her boyfriend and best friend, the grievance still has a part played in this section. The narrator has no one but her brother, so she shuts her friends out in hopes of being safer. Now that the siblings are now being put into foster care, the idea she originally had backfired, and her life continues to go downhill.

It’s over now. Before at least we had each other and the house. Now, we are going to have to be separated. I can’t loose one more person I love. First my dog, then my parents, then my friends, and now my brother. No one could come between us. I cannot let this happen. We have to go. We have to leave and get out of this small town right now. Before it’s too late.

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I found myself appreciating this last snip of Kimmy’s work. Even though the perspective is written and spoken like a younger child, the last sentence shows how far she has come. Although all of the young child’s hopes were crushed, she still has motivation to fight. Overall, the feel of this work is bittersweet. No younger child should have to feel or go through the things the narrator describes and endures. The situation is probably much more complicated than many situations grow adults go through. Since Kimmy had to put herself in the shoes of a soon to be foster child, I believe she did a great job interpreting the rushing thoughts and flashbacks to the leading events in hopes to understand where she went wrong. Although some may not find the same appreciation as I, I think this is a fantastic piece. Great job Kimmy.


For this assignment, we’ve been asked to write an alternative ending to the flash fiction we chose to analyze. Although I believe Kimmy nailed the ending, here is my alternative ending:

The burden of life has really taken its time on devouring my every ounce of hope. I am loosing everything as the days go by: my friends, my parents, and now my brother. When mom and dad passed away, we promised each other we would do anything to stick together. I’m keeping that promise, even if I have to join Mom and Dad.

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Although my twist on it is far more dark and not as wholesome, I would think that one who’s going through such a difficult time would be very desperate for liberation. As many people say, “desperate times comes with desperate measures.” It also seems to bring the twist of the younger child to life. It brings the idea of harsh reality of life to attention through the gruesome idea of doing whatever she must to escape the hell the child endures. Kimmy’s work is a contradiction to most, for it really dives into the mind of an anxious and confused child. Even though the child’s thoughts may be simple, they tend to be accurate in the eyes of one who was recently a former child. Even if a child was put into a dense situation, they wouldn’t be able to grasp the idea of what the actual situation may be. Even though this could be quite offensive or arguable, I stand by my point of Kimmy’s work is unique and the concept is original. If you would like to go see more of Kimmy’s, please visit her site and give her the credit she deserves.

Kimmy’s Blog


Picture Credits:

Post #6

Through all stories, there will always be characters. Without characters, there would be no plot and every “story” would just be some words on a page. The importance to characters and who they are is significantly important. Every single detail of the characters in which we create can completely make or break a story. It just depends on we decide to create. In order to go through characterization and make a character, I find it easier to get an idea of what you would like the environment to be.

For example, if you were hoping to have your story revolving around a cynical character who is terrified by the sea, it would make sense to completely dive in and create the contradiction by having the character being a captain of a ship rather than a feeble old man who lives on the country side. The story would simply lack the intensity of emotions with a feeble old man compared to a captain.

The plot doesn’t exactly have to be something you come up with, but it can be inspired by an experience you have gone through.

For example, a story I could base my story off of my experience of being diagnosed with type one diabetes. Since I experienced it and felt the emotions, it will be more meaningful and genuine only not to me, but to the reader as well.

This could also help with characterization with the genuine emotions and forming a character indirectly, allowing the reader to interpret the characters in the way they take the story. Personally, when I write, I find it much easier to base a story off of a personal experience. When I try to make a completely new idea, it doesn’t feel as genuine since I’ve never had any experience with the said action and emotions. This can create the story to be disproportionate with reality and create a sense of awkwardness.

Personally, I find it best to create my ideas to be around an event that happened in my life. Of course, it doesn’t have yo be the exact and it can have taken inspiration from the event. I recommend the same, especially for beginner writers, but you can do whatever you please. A monologue I wrote wasn’t necessarily inspired by my own experience, but from seeing similar stories on the news. Since I was touched by them deeply, I decided to share my monologue with you. I hope you find some inspiration in it as well.

Fearful Child 

   I lie awake at night as the ocean calls out my name. The way the waves mock me drives me to insanity. Although I command this ship, I fear the sea. I often relate to the ocean, simply because it is unpredictable. Unstable like it’s patterns, I find myself questioning everything I’ve ever done up till this point. The alcohol I drink helps me feel better with my surroundings. If it were up to me, I would be on land. I would love to live on a farm with my pet goat, and only my pet goat. People tend to get on my nerves, so I’d rather not have the extra frustrations. The people on this ship drive me to wanting to take all of our earnings and leave. These men mean nothing to me, and it will always stay that way. Nothing will ever change that, it’s been this way since I was a young boy.

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     When I was younger, I lived on a lake house with my father. It wasn’t exactly a lake house though, it was my home on a lake though. It was more just a roof over our heads. The start of my dislike for people started with my father. He was the one man in my life who was supposed to protect me. He would lounge around the house all day and drink whiskey. We didn’t have much money, but the money we made was spent of father’s liquor. One evening, I was spending time out in our yard. This was my only escape from the drunkenness that possessed my father’s body. My father wasn’t what people would call a happy drunk, so it wasn’t a surprise to me if he came around to beat my face in.

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     As I watched him stumble out the door, I knew what was coming. He never had a specific reason for my beatings. He simply did it for his own pleasure. I got up and attempted to get away from him. My plan didn’t work out as well as I would of liked it to. He pushed me to the edge the lake and socked me in the face. I fell into the water and struggled to stay above water. Even though I spent my life watching the soft waves dance with the wind, I didn’t know how to swim. I struggled as I gasped for air. My father did nothing to help me, he only stood above me and watched me struggle.

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     Ever since then, I’ve hated any body of water. As I watch the waves of the sea with my crew, memories in which I do not want to remember fill my lungs the way the water did on that night. I would love to be able to breathe without choking on the water which consumes my lungs.

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Blog #5

For today’s blog, I decided to resort to my original choice of posting, which is analyzing music in which I enjoy. Since I love so many songs, it was hard to pick a song. After giving it some thought, I decided to pick the song “Insecure” by Iamnotshane. I heard this song about a year ago, and it instantly clicked to my interests. Not only the lyrics are beautiful, but the tempo and rhythm is as well. It’s not like what you would hear on the radio, so this also interested me. As I looked more into the artist’s songs, I realized that his music is absolutely underrated. I hope you decide to check out some of his music. Without further ado, here is my analysis on Iamnotshane’s song, “Insecure.”



Verse One:

Falling fast from the heights
Losing grasp of the time
Trying not to say what I want
Can’t control myself, cross the line
Gotta hold me back
Crucified if I speak my mind
I’ll do what I want

Verse One Analysis:

I believe that this is simply about people falling in love. When someone falls in love, they often dedicate all of their free time to one another. With this, I believe that ‘losing grasp of the time’ hints at the idea or feelings of falling in genuine love. People often do selfless or stupid things for someone who they love dearly. This can also hint at “can’t control myself, cross the line.” The artist’s emotions seem to be overtaking him and causing him continue to do selfless or idiotic actions for who he finds interest in.


Don’t you tell me you’re not
Falling in love, falling in love
Don’t you tell me you’re lost
Here in my arms, here in my arms
‘Cause my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for love
Yeah my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for us

Chorus Analysis:

So much is being said within this small portion of the song. The artist clearly feels strongly for someone, but the feeling is not mutual. Since he is in denial of whomever this song is directed towards about being lost and not in the right place, this can mean that they don’t feel the same way as he does. Since he admits he’s insecure, it can also mean he feels overprotective for this person. This also leans him towards over thinking and making the relationship more complicated.

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Verse Two:

Reconstruct, sanctify
Trust your gut, don’t say goodbye
I am not someone you give up
I will love you endlessly
If you open up and let me
Show you I am not who I was

Verse Two Analysis:

I took this verse as him apologizing for being so protective over whom he’s directing this towards. Since the relation seems to be complicated, this may be his way of trying to have the person stay with him. He implies that he is willing to change for the better. With this being said, the relationship may not be as healthy due to the back and forth complications between the two.

Chorus Two:

Don’t you tell me you’re not
Falling in love, falling in love
Don’t you tell me you’re lost
Here in my arms, here in my arms
‘Cause my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for love
Yeah my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for us

Chorus Two Analysis:

Similar to the first chorus, I believe this is the artist and the person’s peak of complications due to the contradicting words in which he states. If it was healthy, he would not have to say anything about “being lost in his arms.” Since it goes on to stay that he’s insecure and he cannot take the pain in which he endures, it proves that the relation is very complicated. He goes on to say that even though he feels all this pain, he is still going to fight for the relationship to work.

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Verse Three:

Your attention is all that I want
Yeah it’s all that I want
Yeah it’s all that I need
Your attention is all that I want
And I can’t give it up
No I can’t let you leave

Verse Three Analysis:

With the rest of the song being a battle between the two people, I believe this is him convincing himself that it’s worth it. Although I cannot say any of this for sure, it seems as if the only reason he stays is because of the constant attention from the fighting and complications. With the consistency of the fighting, there is consistent attention being given. Although it is probably toxic and worse than it is portrayed, it still causes the artist to stay. I believe this is because of the love he has for the person. If he didn’t love her as deeply as he does, I believe he would of left already.

Chorus Three:

Don’t you tell me you’re not
Falling in love, falling in love
Don’t you tell me you’re lost
Here in my arms, here in my arms
‘Cause my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for love
Yeah my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for us
‘Cause my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for love
Yeah my heart can’t take it
I’m insecure baby, I’m insecure fighting for us

Chorus Three Analysis:

Even though this is the same chorus and words, I some how portray this differently compared to the other two choruses. The mood seems to change, as if it’s coming to terms with the fact that the relationship is tense and partially toxic for both sides. Even though it seems this way to an outsider, I believe that he takes this as wonderful and worth it. Even though I may not be correct about this, this is how I interpreted the song.

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All in all, this song displays a lot of emotion. Through the painful and the lovely feelings, this song is simply amazing. I truly enjoyed doing this analysis If you enjoyed this song, please go check out his other songs. It was hard deciding which song to analysis. After giving it some thought, I chose this song. I hope you enjoyed it as well. Feel free to share or comment anything you please. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. With that being said, I hope you visit next blog post and have a great day.

Blog #4

For class, we’ve been working on creating our own odes. As we read through each other’s ode, a certain ode of a friend of mine stuck out to me. Her name is Emily and her ode is called, “An Ode to Anxiety.” I decided that I’d like to take a closer at it an analyze it. I hope you enjoy her work as much as I do. I’ll add a link to her blog, so please go check her out.

Emily’s Blog

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and eyeglasses
  • I decided it would be more beneficial to analyse her ode in chunks, so this isn’t her stanzas.
    • This is simply the way I figured it would be easier to break it up this way rather than one big paragraph of feedback.
Get off.

Get out.

You’re a dictator and I am a bomb that you detonate.

You are an elephant sitting on my chest.

You control my mind, emotions, breathing.

In this first section in which I broken up, I got an overall tone of manipulation. With the first two lines of the poem, it shows a clear theme of a force controlling her. Clearly, the relationship between whomever or whatever force is being related to is unhealthy. A dictator is often interpreted as a manipulated person since they’re a ruler. Since the given dictator detonates the bomb, he or she is creating the writer to feel an intense amount of emotions in which causing her to “explode.” With the elephant sitting upon one’s chest, it also implies that the overwhelming feeling is giving a feel of a slow painful death, like suffocation. With this the given dictator being so controlling, every action being done is manipulated, as enhanced in the last line.

There is a barricade between me

and authority of my own self.

I am unfazed.

Like a hurricane through a city,

you come at the worst of times, instilling fear deep inside.

With this chunk, I interpretted it as a feeling on numbness. The writer meantions a barricade. Often when there is a barricade, one may have no idea of what is happening on the opposite side. Since the writer is unfazed by the intense and poor treatment, it brings an sense of stronger abuse to the relationship. It also comes to a major enhancement when she implies that the person or emotion is a hurricane. Hurricanes are known to be deadly and destructive, so this implies that the person or feeling is killing her as the time goes on.

I break.

Ringing in my ears,

the taste of tears.

I am terrified.

A constant whisper in my ear turns into a shout.

A sudden, unnecessary feeling of apprehension.

Relaxation can never be achieved.

With this, it gives me a sense of the moment in which the writer decides that she deserves better. Often, when one hits rock bottom, they only have one option to head for. In this, I do not believe she takes this moment for granted and allows herself to break free, but she allows the pain and abuse to continue. With the first three lines, it reminds me of a war ground. Whether the writer is in a constant war within herself or another person, it clearly is destroying her interpretation of life and how it should be. While this war continues, it does not subside and it only brings a higher intensity of pain.

Without you, I am nothing.

With you, I am everything.

You are a part of me.

Maybe all of me.

You are in control;

yet, I am not.

This clearly emphasizes the idea of the abusive or manipulative feeling in which she is feeling. It’s a contradiction between her and the opposing enemy. Since she has grown so use to the feelings of hurt, she simply feels incomplete without it. She’s allowed this object to completely change her life and this simply brings many questions to mind about the relationship. Who is the object in which she talks about so strongly of? Is it anxiety or a person who brings her these intense feelings of anxiety? Although we may not get these questions answered, this is simply a beautiful poem.

Once again, make sure to go check out Emily’s blog! She posts amazing content and she is an amazing friend. Thank you for going through one of her works with me and thank you for the support. I hope you tune in for next time and enjoy!

Blog #3

This semester in class, we’ve been working on a poetry unit. We did two specific poems, in which one was a villanelle. I’ve decided to share mine with this site, therefore I hope you enjoy. This could be interpreted in many different ways, but personally I take it in a way in which I do not please to share. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

A Bittersweet Contribution

Time ticks slow and you pray for a superior life;

Truly, you are a man of charm, but still your demons devour you briskly.

Eyes flutter softly, but you still crave the sweet burn of Tennessee whiskey.


Bottles fill the floor; the glass you dance upon comforts as if it’s frisky.

Friends who frolic in your mind stab at their cage constantly with a honed knife.

Eyes flutter softly, but you still crave the sweet burn of Tennessee whiskey.


Late nights lead to lonesome and wonder, hours pass and hearts grow misty

As you are taken by the hand and lead into hurt, you’re still the one to thrive.

Truly, you are a man of charm, but still your demons devour you briskly.


Of all the crimes you’ve committed, was love the most risky?

You love a woman so dearly, she attained your love so quick- now she’s your wife.

Eyes flutter softly, but you still crave the sweet burn of Tennessee whiskey.


Regrets float away, and peace eases into the mind- you tell me that it’s key

Wise beyond comprehension, words bleed from your soul, and I always take it with life

Truly, you are a man of charm, but still your demons devour you briskly.


You are an ocean, raging with life: home seems far, but home is this sea

Waves crash into shore, sweeping your from your feet, you refuse to cease to strive

Eyes flutter softly, but you still crave the sweet burn of Tennessee whiskey

Truly, you are a man of charm, but still your demons devour you briskly.


Image result for aesthetic whiskey


Blog Post #2

As I stated before, music holds a near and dear place in my heart. For my first official blog post, I decided it would be best for me to start this site off right by analyzing a song that I enjoy. The song that I decided to take a closer look at is “Another Sad Love Song” by Khalid.


Verse one:

I’m not the best at showing my emotions
You cut me deep and you left me wide open
I fought the demons that lie in between us
They’d think we’re perfect if they’d ever seen us, but
I guess this sounds like another sad love song
I can’t get over how it all went wrong
But, I let the words come together
Then, maybe I’ll feel better

Analysis for verse one:

I feel as if this is focused on an abusive or captious relationship. The artist states its difficult for him to express how he feels, which I believed this is because of a manipulative significant other. With the manipulation, he could have found himself avoiding communication in fear of being yelled at or hurt once more. This is where I believe the second and third line come into play. With the fourth line, I believed the relationship was two sided and fake around others; therefore, this is why he felt so much pain and emotion in which he bottled up. The last four lines could be interpreted in many different ways. I believe he was comparing the relationship to a typical “crash and burn” love where it would be perfect for a while, but soon terrible. As he finds himself in a contradiction, he believes that allowing the other to take control once more may fix the situation.

Image result for khalid images


Lover, I am worried
Tables they are turning
Lover, I am hurting
Burning burning burning, dadadad
Turning turning turning turning, dadadada
Burning burning burning, dadadada
Turning turning turning turning, dadadada

Analysis for Chorus:

I feel the chorus continues to focus on the abusive relation. I interpreted line one as his emotions from the pain are getting to the best of him. The people who care about him or work with him may noticed a change in his personality. While the change could of been drastic or not, it is still a change in which he is not only unfamiliar with, but his act is also unfamiliar to people who surround him. As the “tables turn,” he may start to admit to himself that he is in pain. As the hurt builds up, he may feel as if his love is burning out as if he were a flame. The flame slowly diminishes as the other doesn’t tend to it correctly, which leads to the fire being nothing but ashes.

Verse two:

I took the time to think of what you said
You were tap-dancing in my head
I must be honest, I have a lot of pride
But I’m broken inside
I guess this sounds like another sad love song
I can’t get over how it all went wrong
But, I let the words come together
Then, maybe I’ll feel better

Verse two analysis:

I interpret verse two as the aftermath of a confrontation of the admitting to his feelings of under appreciation or pain. The words in which was said to him must of manipulated him due to her “dancing” in his head. Since dancing is such a joyful act that people often do at events where joy is often the tone, he must still put himself at blame. Although the next line brings light to his once confident soul, his “lover” seemed to of dragged it away from him due the fourth line. His love story or song overall has a melancholic or depressing tone due to his complicated emotions towards the individual he wrote this song about.

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Chorus two:

Lover, I am worried
Tables they are turning
Lover, I am hurting
Bridges they are burning
Lover, I am worried
Tables they are turning
Lover, I am hurting
Burning burning burning, dadadadad
Turning turning turning turning, dadadada
Burning burning burning, dadadada
Turning turning turning turning, dadadada
Burning burning burning, dadadada
Turning turning turning turning, dadadada
Burning burning burning, dadadada
Turning turning turning turning, dadadada
Bridges they are burning
Lover, I am worried
Tables they are turning
Lover, I am hurting
Bridges they are burning
Lover, I am worried
Tables they are turning
Lover, I am hurting

Chorus two analysis:

Although most of the second chorus is almost identical to the first, I oddly imply this as him breaking off the relationship. I interpret due to the added line of “bridges they are burning.” In a literal sense, when a bridge is burned, you cannot allow an individual reach point A to point B. With this often being a phrase implying that someone has done something to make it impossible to return to an earlier state, it can be him breaking off the relationship with the significant other. Through his process of the breakup, he must find himself feeling worried about being dragged into the cycle of pain in which he was put into. Due to the tables being turned, it must mean he had control of his path for once which meant they did split up. Through all breakups, pain and hurt is endured.

This song as a whole is simply a great song that many can relate or interpret in their own personal way. This is just the way I interpreted it, whether it be exactly what he meant or not- I still admire this song dearly. I hope you find as much emotion and satisfaction through this song as I do.

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Blog Post #1

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello to whomever is reading this. In this blog page, I plan to post my work that I create either through my semester or in my free time. I plan to analyze the lyrics of music or poems that I enjoy and write new pieces of poetry and other genres. With each work, I plan to upload a photo graph that I have taken or found among the internet that I can correlate to the work through a personal way. It is up to you to interpret the photos the way you please.

Each piece that I write, whether it is my best or not, holds a near and dear place in my heart. Every thing that I do on this blog will help me strive for improvement and more motivation through writing. I hope that I will be allowed to not only be formal, but friendly as well. Not only do I hope to share emotions in which are portrayed as grim or dark, but I hope to share joy and maybe a laugh or two. I really look forward to getting genuine feedback and improving along side with you.

Get to know me

Since I will be sharing my personal work, I decided it would be better for both you and I to get somewhat personal. So here are somewhat interesting facts about myself.

  • My name is Rachel, (hence the title of my blog.)
  • I have four cats. I know! Sounds pretty crazy, but we fostered three of them. We ended up falling in love with their cute little faces and their lovable minuscule faces. We just had to accept them into our family, because we simply loved them like family.
  • I also have a leopard gecko named Mr. Muncher. We got him when I was about 6. He was a birthday gift from my parents to my brother. Of course he isn’t as friendly as the cats, but he is much more well behaved.
  • I have two brothers and a sister. My sister is the oldest out of us all, my brother is the second oldest, then me, and finally my little brother.
  • I have two auto immune diseases. One being Celiac disease and the other being Type One Diabetes. I will probably have at least one work relating to this, so I figured it would be easier for you to comprehend it with this knowledge.
  • I often dye my hair different colors. The first color I dyed it was pastel pink in eighth grade. Then I dyed it blue, silver, purple, then red. After the red faded, I went brown. I got bored of brown quickly so I decided to go blonde. With the blonde, I decided to go silver then pink once more. I know this sounds quite damaging to your hair. It took me a while to realize this as well, so I decided to go brown once more and stop dying my hair.
  • I love music so much. I listen to it constantly. I love literally all genres besides country. Lately, I’ve been leaning towards older music such as Electric Light Orchestra or Queen. I have a Spotify playlist filled with over 200 songs that are similar to these bands. If you are interested, I will provide the link for you to check it out. https://open.spotify.com/user/bbe45fl264xn378k7x20w6obb/playlist/4oCZqGoSjMtoYpxF0bx3k1?si=LJ1Joa_zT0yYnboxwL3w2A
  • I love watching Netflix. My favorite shows currently are American Horror Story and Shameless. I can’t say I would recommend these to my innocent grandmother or a child, but if you enjoy horror or dark comedy- I’d say you might enjoy these shows as much as I do.
  • My favorite colors would have to be yellow and a light baby pink. Even though I don’t incorporate as much of these colors into my work or outfits, I still think these are beautiful colors.
  • I love and miss vine terribly. I often find myself referring to them at any possible moment. If you need a giggle, I will link my favorite vine below. https://youtu.be/bs53JQTuEc0
  • As being a music lover, I try to attend as many concerts as possible. My first concert was in 2012. I went and saw Justin Bieber… I know, how cliche? My second official concert was in 2017. At this concert I saw Saint Motel and Panic! At the Disco. Finally, the last concert I attended was in the fall of 2018. I saw Ozzy Osbourne, and to my surprise, he is still pretty wild for a 69 year old. As time goes on, I hope to have the opportunity to attend more concerts and make more unforgettable memories.
  • My favorite place in the world would have to be summer camp. In the summer, I attend a camp sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. Here, I’ve made many life long friends and I always look forward to spending a week with them.
  • I’ve never ate seafood. When I tell people this, they often act as if it’s the most surprising thing that they’ve ever heard. Personally, I just think seafood smells unappetizing, so I avoid even being in the same room as it.
  • My favorite food would have to be perogies. Since I have Celiac and cannot have gluten, my dad and I make them from scratch. If you haven’t had perogies, I suggest you bless yourself by having some as soon as possible.

Between you and I, I don’t consider myself an interesting person. So I apologize if my facts didn’t impress you. Anyways, I hope you have an amazing day!

And so the Journey Begins

Thank you for stopping by!

“The most solid advice I can give to a writer is this, I think: try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.” – Ernest Hemingway